Here at NHKC we believe that it is in serving others that we are filled. We also are abundantly aware that we cannot do this on our own. WE NEED GOD, & WE NEED ONE ANOTHER. Would you consider using your gifts and talents to help us reach the hearts and needs of our residents and their babies? Email
Flower Bed Care/Upkeep House Maintenance Skills Classes
Drivers Photographer Doula
“Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.” - Mother Teresa -
Gifts of Prayer
Donation Opportunities
The JM&J is a store located within NHKC office space and is place where the our mothers can purchase, with their earned "baby bucks", items for their baby. If you would like to donate new or gently used items for out JM&J closet please contact Nativity House KC at (913) 281-7722
Nativity House KC is 100% donor financed. Your generous gifs support our mothers, babies, and services for a beautiful future. Your gift impacts several generations!